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Chain of sources

Figure 12.10: Chain of coherent dipoles
\epsfig{file=chapt12//chain1.eps,height=1.5in} \end{center}\end{figure}
Consider N dipole oscillators arranged along a linear chain as shown in Figure 12.10, all emitting radiation with identical amplitude and phase. How much radiation will a distant observer at an angle $\theta$ receive? If $\tilde E_0 , \tilde
E_1, \tilde E_2, ...,~{\rm and~} \tilde{E}_{N-1} $ are the radiations from the $0$th, $1$st, $2$nd, ...,and the $N-1$th oscillator respectively, $\tilde E_1 $ is identical to $\tilde E_0
$ except for a phase difference as it travels a shorter path. We have
\tilde E_1 = \tilde E_0 ~ e^{i2 \alpha }
\end{displaymath} (12.12)

where $2 \alpha = \frac{2 \pi}{\lambda} d \sin \theta $ is the phase difference that arises due to the path difference. Similarly $ \tilde E_2 = \left[ e^{i2 \alpha } \right]^2 \tilde E_0 $. The total radiation is obtained by summing the contributions from all the sources and we have
\tilde E =\sum \limits^{N-1}_{n=0} \tilde E_n =
\sum \limits^{N-1}_{n=0} \left[ e^{i 2 \alpha } \right]^n
\tilde E_0
\end{displaymath} (12.13)

This is a geometric progression, on summing this we have
$\displaystyle \tilde E$ $\textstyle =$ (12.14)

This can be simplified further
$\displaystyle \tilde E
= \tilde E_0 \frac{e^{iN\alpha}}{e^{i \alpha }} \frac{e^...
... \alpha }}
= \tilde E_0 e^{i (N-1)\alpha} \frac{\sin (N \alpha
)}{\sin(\alpha)}$     (12.15)

which gives the intensity to be
I = 0.5 \tilde E {\tilde E}^* = I_0 \frac{\sin^2 (N
\end{displaymath} (12.16)

\alpha = \frac{\pi d \sin \theta }{\lambda}
\end{displaymath} (12.17)

Figure 12.11: Intensity pattern for chain of dipoles
\epsfig{file=chapt12//chain.eps,} \end{center}\end{figure}

Plotting the intensity as a function of $\alpha$ (Figure 12.11) we see that it has a value $ I = N^2
I_0 $ at $ \alpha = 0 $ . Further, it has the same value $ I = I_0
N^2 $ at all other $\alpha$ values where both the numerator and denominator are zero i.e $ \alpha = m \pi ( m = 0,\pm 1, \pm 2 ,
\ldots )$ or

d \sin \theta = m \lambda ~~ ( m = 0,\pm 1,\pm 2 ,\pm 3 \ldots )
\end{displaymath} (12.18)

The intensity is maximum whenever this condition is satisfied These are referred to as the primary maxima of the diffraction pattern and $m$ gives the order of the maximum.

The intensity drops away from the primary maxima. The intensity becomes zero $N-1$ times between any two successive primary maxima and there are $N-2 $ secondary maxima in between. The number of secondary maxima increases and the primary maxima becomes increasingly sharper (Figure 12.11) if the number of sources $N$ is increased. Let us estimate the width of the $m$th order principal maximum. The $m$th order principal maximum occurs at an angle $\theta_m$ which satisfies,

d \sin \theta_m = m \lambda \,.
\end{displaymath} (12.19)

If $\Delta \theta_m $ is the width of the maximum, the intensity should be zero at $ \theta_m + \Delta\theta_m $ ie.
\frac{\pi d \sin (\theta_m + \Delta \theta_m )}{\lambda } = m \pi +
\end{displaymath} (12.20)

which implies that
\sin ( \theta m + \Delta \theta_m) = \frac{\lambda}{d}
\left( m+ \frac{1}{N} \right)
\end{displaymath} (12.21)


\begin{displaymath}\sin ( \theta_m + \Delta \theta_m)=
\sin \theta_m \, \cos \Delta \theta_m + \cos \theta_m \, \sin \Delta
\theta_m \end{displaymath}

and assuming that $\Delta \theta_m \ll 1$ we have
\Delta \theta_m ~ \cos \theta_m = \frac{\lambda}{d N}
\end{displaymath} (12.22)

which gives the width to be
\Delta \theta_m = \frac{\lambda}{d N \cos \theta_m}\,.
\end{displaymath} (12.23)

Thus we see that the principal maxima get sharper as the number of sources increases. Further, the $0$th order maximum is the sharpest, and the width of the maximum increases with increasing order $m$.

The chain of radiation sources serves as an useful model for many applications.

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Physics 1st Year 2009-01-06