Using Numerical Recipes

This shows how to write programs that call Numerical Recipres functions, how to compile and link these programs. The Numerical Recipes Library libnrecc.a is located in the directory /usr/local/nrcp/   in the machines in the Physics Computer Lab.   All the header files are also in this directory. The source code is available in the directory /usr/local/nrcp/C/ansi-c/ .

Download the files libnrecc.a, nrutil.h and nr.h into your working directory if you not using a computer in the Physics Lab.  The compiling and linking commands are also slightly different. 

The program nrcp_test.cintegrates two functions f(x)=1   and g(x)=x  from  the limits 0 to 1.  It uses the function qsimp to do the integration.

To compile and link the program in the Physics Lab

cc -c nrcp_test.c -I/usr/local/nrcp/                  

cc -o  nrcp_test  nrcp_test.o  -L/usr/local/nrcp/ -lnrecc -lm

To compile and link the program in CIC or  elsewhere

cc -c nrcp_test.c

cc -o  nrcp_test  nrcp_test.o   -lnrecc -lm

To run


Sample program (prog.c) for solving a set of orinary differential equations (ODEs) using the Numerical Recipes function odeint(). This program evolves  the position and momentum of a simple harmonic oscillalor which starts from rest at x=1.